Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Dolphin play

Doplhins as I understand are absolutely friendly souls and have a need or craving for attention as much as a human being. These are from a Dolphin show I attended. All I did instead of watching the show is taking pictures of them. These two made the cut and appealed to my eye. Reason well the emotions reflecting on their face. They seemed to be in conversation, sharing a private moment. The captions given reflect the thoughts that crossed my mind when I saw them for the first time.

Ppl not again

Well they seemed to be in conversation, and since there are people around apt is "People Not again".

sharing a joke

The smile, what could be the cause but for a private joke between the two.
The only additional information I can add is that they belong the variety called as "Bottle Nose Dolphins".

More details at the url:

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